Jira Ceramics

Creating artwork that combines passion to art with love for nature.

Every small-batch collection that leaves studio is hand made from the ball of clay. One-woman-business which connect fuctionality, modern design and nature textures.

I create in the ceramic studio from the shadow of the mountains. All works – at each stage, from the begining  I create personally.

Like any compass points North, so wherever I am I always turn to this direction in my art. Raw landscapes of the mountains and untouched wilderness. Especially of the Scandinavia and North America. 

I would like to share my art and knowlesge which gives joy and inspiration. Awaken interest about art craft !



My life road – non-obvious, winding, bumpy & full of ups and downs – Just like on a mountain trail!
My name is Sara. Let’s see story of my life !

Sara Jira



Since childhood, I was surrounded by the majestic Tatra Mountains. In their shadow and under their watchful eye I discovered my first interests and passions.

Early years of my childhood I follow by my curiosity. The smell of flowers on meadows, wildlife at your fingertips , trekking  in the woods and mountains, grandfather telling the stories about birds, awakened in me curiosity, sensitivity to the surrounding beauty of nature – it is impossible to be indifferent to it. I began to put my inspirations and visions on paper – that’s how it started !

I tried every possible field of art. Playing instruments, wood sculpting, painting and drawing. From the beginning I was learning and studying in art schools and growing my passions.

The time has come to study. It was a very difficult time in my life – when the search for the right choice was on. I decided to unobvious way for which was ceramics at Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw.

Searching for new I trusted my intuition. This is where I discovered not only potential but also love.

Soon after graduation, I decided to take my own path. I created a brand that changed everything. I discovered a new land!


About Jira Ceramics and Care

Jira Ceramics

Discover the behind-the-scenes of creating craftsmanship in my studio located in the shadow of the mountains.

Ceramic Care

Follow these simple care tips. The staples of our kitchen with longer life.